Robert Dölle

Geboren 1971 in Frankfurt am Main, absolvierte er sein Schauspielstudium an der Otto-Falckenberg-Schule in München. 1996 trat Robert Dölle sein erstes Festengagement an den Münchner Kammerspielen an, wo er in Inszenierungen u. a. von Dieter Dorn und Peter Zadek zu erleben war. 1999 wechselte er ans Schauspiel Frankfurt und arbeitete dort u. a. mit Amélie Niermeyer, Jens-Daniel Herzog und Hans Falar. 2001 kehrte er an die Münchner Kammerspiele zurück, wo er mit Regisseur*innen wie Jossi Wieler, Johan Simons und Karin Beier zusammenkam. Von 2009 bis 2019 war Robert Dölle am Schauspiel Köln engagiert und in Inszenierungen von u. a. Karin Beier, Stefan Bachmann, Alvis Hermanis, Christina Paulhofer, Rafael Sanchez, Sebastian Nübling, Nicolas Steman, Therese Willstedt und Roger Vontobel zu sehen. Seit 2019 ist er festes Ensemblemitglied am Residenztheater.

Seit 2002 ist Dölle auch vermehrt in Film und Fernsehen zu erleben, wie zuletzt in den Serien «Das Streben nach Glück», «Die Füchsin» und «Greenlight». Er wurde mit dem AZ-Stern des Jahres 2021 für seine Rolle in «Finsternis» ausgezeichnet. 

Performing in

Elisabeth Gärtner, a retired architect, has only one more wish: she wants to die. Her beloved husband died of cancer three years ago and without him life has no meaning for her any more. A drug that would allow her to die of her own volition has been refused her. Now the Ethics Council must make a decision on her case. Expert witnesses from the fields of law, medicine and theology argue over the question:  Does a human being have a right to determine their own death? Are doctors allowed to help someone commit suicide? And who do our lives actually belong to? To us? To the state? Or to God?

Gott (God)

Hamsun’s trilogy tells the story of a man who feels he has been overlooked by the elites that set the tone and cheated of social recognition. The philosopher Ivar Kareno evolves from a 30-year-old radical and anti-liberal writer on the fringes of poverty into a 40-year-old private tutor to the two sons of a businessman in a distant coastal region. Here Kareno sits brooding in his writing tower, while an infectious fever descends on people, arriving from the North, the businessman Otermann is driven mad by his wealth and a strange man wanders between the houses, rumoured to be justice. Ten years later, the 50-year-old Kareno is still hoping for a major turning point in his life. And he will indeed reach a milestone where he must decide whether he will remain true to the radical ideas of his youth or to pursue a career that is more measured politically.   

Spiel des Lebens (The game of life)

The most frequently performed contemporary international playwright Yazmina Reza, acclaimed for her plays’ witty dialogue, wrote «Anne-Marie the Beauty» as a full-length monologue for her favourite actor André Marcon. This elogy for the art of acting centres on an ageing actress who has spent her entire life in the theatre playing small and minor roles and has never been able to progress beyond this obscure existence.

Anne-Marie die Schönheit (ANNE-MARIE THE BEAUTY)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 22 May
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 14 Jun

«And often the outward signs of ascent only become apparent once the decline has begun again.» In his 1901 novel, subtitled «The Decline of a Family», Thomas Mann uses precise characterisation and an ironic style to describe the incipient structural collapse of the grande bourgeoisie. Mann drew his inspiration for «Buddenbrooks» from the story of his own family in Lübeck and people of the city where he was living at the time: Munich. Mann shows the potential complexity of relations between North and South Germany with considerable humour in the relationship between Tony Buddenbrook and the Munich hop-trader Alois Permaneder.

Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 23 May
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 28 May
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 30 May
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 20 Jun

The Italian writer Davide Enia is invited to a literary festival in Munich by his German colleague Albert Ostermaier – who suggests that he bring with him a text about the situation of the refugees in Southern Italy. For the Sicilian Enia, this is a pretext to travel to the island of Lampedusa, which he knows only as a holidaymaker. By October 2013 at the latest, when a shipwreck nearby caused hundreds of people to lose their lives, the island had become a shocking symbol of the European Union’s inability to prevent refugees dying in the Mediterranean Sea.

Finsternis (THE ABYSS)

You are how you speak. Professor of Phonetics Higgins makes a bet with his friend Pickering that he can turn the energetic Eliza Doolittle, who sells flowers in the street to make ends meet and speaks the broadest dialect, into an upper-class lady with immaculate articulation. Eliza proves to be a disciplined and talented pupil who manages to pass the test of entering high society. Higgins attributes this success to his own genius and automatically lays claim to her. He fails to notice that his teaching has helped Eliza to become a self-aware and thoughtful woman who is not only capable of making her own decisions but of acting on them too.

Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 24 May
Audience discussion afterwards
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 31 May
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sun 02 Jun
7 p.m. Introduction
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 18 Jun
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 26 Jun
