Jonas Vogt

Der Bühnenbildner Jonas Vogt wurde 1991 in Nordrhein-Westfalen geboren. Nachdem er seine Ausbildung zum Konditormeister 2016 in Wien abschloss, assistierte er am Deutschen Theater Berlin, am Residenztheater München, am Staatstheater Kassel und in der Freien Szene. Als Bühnenbildner verbindet ihn eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Regisseur*innen Jürgen Kruse, Robert Borgmann, Nazanin Noori, Jan Höft und Nora Schlocker. Seine Bühnenbilder entwarf er für das Berliner Ensemble, Residenztheater München und das Staatstheater Braunschweig.
Zusammen mit dem Ensemblemitglied Max Mayer konzipierte er in der Spielzeit 2020/2021 für das Residenztheater die site-specific Performance «Mars» nach der Vorlage von Fritz Zorn auf der Wittelsbacher Wiese hinter dem Marstall.


It takes the physical pain of cancer to break through Fritz Zorn’s protective shell of a cultivated «insensitivity of the soul». It is not until he is in danger of dying that his resistance awakens against not being allowed to live: «I am young and rich and educated: and I am unhappy, neurotic and alone.» With these words the Swiss author Fritz Zorn opens his reckoning with this background, family and education. However: his contemplation of death is a contemplation of freedom. The art of dying liberates the individual from all subjugation and compulsion and by accepting one’s own finality it offers the possibility of seeing oneself as part of an overarching process of transformation.

Meeting point: Marstall Foyer
22.00 o'clock
Wed 05 Jun

The Italian writer Davide Enia is invited to a literary festival in Munich by his German colleague Albert Ostermaier – who suggests that he bring with him a text about the situation of the refugees in Southern Italy. For the Sicilian Enia, this is a pretext to travel to the island of Lampedusa, which he knows only as a holidaymaker. By October 2013 at the latest, when a shipwreck nearby caused hundreds of people to lose their lives, the island had become a shocking symbol of the European Union’s inability to prevent refugees dying in the Mediterranean Sea.

Finsternis (THE ABYSS)